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Kutubkhanah (كتبخانه) Planetarium Negara - Katalog

Friday 21 June 2019

Horizontal Housing: The Future of Sustainable Housing

Sumber artikel disusun oleh: Bahagian Data Strategik Dan Teknologi Masa Hadapan, Kementerian Tenaga, Sains, Teknologi, Alam Sekitar Dan Perubahan Iklim (MESTECC).

Artikel FT Sharing

The Inspiration
The Interlace breaks away from Asia’s standard typology of isolated, vertical apartment towers and instead explores a dramatically different approach to tropical living: an expansive interconnected network of living and communal spaces integrated with the natural environment. Thirty-one apartment blocks, each six-stories tall and identical in length, are stacked in a hexagonal arrangement to form eight large-scale open and permeable courtyards. The interlocking blocks form a vertical village with cascading sky gardens and both private and public roof terraces.

How It Works
The design capitalizes on the generous size of the site and further maximizes the presence of nature by introducing extensive roof gardens, landscaped sky terraces and cascading balconies. Above- ground vehicular circulation is minimized, liberating large green areas within the development. The Interlace incorporates sustainability features through careful environmental analysis of sun, wind, and micro-climate conditions on site and the integration of low-impact passive energy strategies.


Thank you.

FT Sharing 21/2017: Horizontal Housing: The Future of Sustainable Housing


Artikel FT Sharing

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