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Kutubkhanah (كتبخانه) Planetarium Negara - Katalog

Thursday 27 June 2019

E-Scooter: Solving the First and Last Mile Connectivity?

Sumber artikel disusun oleh: Bahagian Data Strategik Dan Teknologi Masa Hadapan, Kementerian Tenaga, Sains, Teknologi, Alam Sekitar Dan Perubahan Iklim (MESTECC).


The new mobility: Shared E-Scooters

The rise of shared e-scooters is just one of several technology-powered experiments in urban mobility around the world. The idea behind e-scooter is simple; the scooters are fun, low cost, convenient and environmentally friendly ways to get around the town without a car, a Grab or a bus.

These scooters are meant to provide a cheap alternative mode of transportation, solving the first and last mile connectivity and ease traffic in the urban areas.

A recent survey of its users by Lime, an American transportation rental company running bicycle and scooter sharing systems, gave some very good insights about the future potentials of e-scooter.
  • Over 60% of respondents have substituted a trip by car (personal car, ride-hailing or taxi) with Lime Scooter;  
  • 55% of respondents are using Lime-Scooter to commute to/from work and school, but surprisingly, 21% of respondents are using it to run their daily errands as well; 
  • 40% users are combining Lime-Scooter with public transport; and
  • Within two months, Lime-Scooter users have made over 250,000 trips, covering over 480,000 km and offsetting 127,182 kg CO2.
Another survey by Populus on the public perception of micro-mobility in major U.S cities found out 70% of respondents viewed e-scooters as a way to get around without the hassle of owning a car, as a substitute for short driving trips and complementing public transport.

This new mobility trend is expanding into the major cities in Europe, and in Southeast Asia, more than four start-ups are eyeing the Singapore market with investments from angel investors. Sooner or later, this trend will arrives to our shore and like it or not, the Government has to be ready and be proactive to regulate this form of mobility.

Factors for the Government to consider are:
  1. Safety; 
  2. E-Scooter legality as a form of transportation; 
  3. Regulations for the start-ups to comply to; 
  4. Parking; 
  5. Vandalism; and 
  6. Enforcement.
Doing it right and we will reap massive rewards in terms of developing new start-ups, bringing in new investment to the market, creating new jobs and of perhaps, solving the first and last mile connectivity in our public transportation ecosystem. YS


Thank you.

FT Sharing 9/2018:  E-Scooter: Solving the First and Last Mile Connectivity?



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