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Kutubkhanah (كتبخانه) Planetarium Negara - Katalog

Thursday 27 June 2019

UBeam: Ultrasound charger

Sumber artikel disusun oleh: Bahagian Data Strategik Dan Teknologi Masa Hadapan, Kementerian Tenaga, Sains, Teknologi, Alam Sekitar Dan Perubahan Iklim (MESTECC).

Artikel FT Sharing

The Inspiration

After turning up to a college lecture one day with flat battery in her laptop and no power cord, Meredith Perry decided that there had to be a better way of doing things than having to constantly looking for charging points and carrying power cords all day long. She imagined a day when wireless devices really are wireless.

How It Works

  • uBeam technology starts with a transmitter that emits high frequency sound, which is inaudible to humans and pets. Humans can only hear sonic frequencies between 20 Hz and 20 kHz. uBeam emits sound far above the upper limit of human hearing, defined as ultrasound.
  • When the requests stop, power delivery ceases. Like a microphone, the receiver picks up the sound and converts it into usable electrical energy using uBeam’s proprietary energy-harvesting technology.


Thank You

FT Sharing 6/2018: UBeam: Ultrasound charger.


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