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Kutubkhanah (كتبخانه) Planetarium Negara - Katalog

Thursday 27 June 2019

Drones: Unmanned Aircraft, Unmatched Potential

Sumber artikel disusun oleh: Bahagian Data Strategik Dan Teknologi Masa Hadapan, Kementerian Tenaga, Sains, Teknologi, Alam Sekitar Dan Perubahan Iklim (MESTECC).


Drones: Unmanned Aircraft, Unmatched Potential

In recent years, drones have becoming more and more common to the public. We can easily acquire them over any toy stores or photography shops, and they are even offered as free gift for successful credit card application in Malaysia! According to a PWC study in 2016, the emerging global market for business services using drones is potentially worth more than USD$127billion, especially in the infrastructure, agriculture and transportation industry. UNCTAD in its Technology and Innovation Report highlighted drones as one of the seven key technologies with potential contributions to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNCTAD, 2018).

However, they do have their fair share of troubles with the authorities, notably the Gatwick Airport drone incident in December 2018, when over 40 drones sightings were reporting within the 1km of the airport boundary. The 3 days incident caused major disruptions, affecting over 120,000 passengers and over 700 flights during one of the busiest season of the year, with financial damages amounting to USD64million and counting.

Regardless, our belief is we can bring out the very best of the drones if we have a strong collaborative network between the regulators, public administrations, academia, industry players and the civil societies in Malaysia. We even have a local company by the name of Aerodyne currently occupying the 7th spot in the Global Top 20 Drone Operator Ranking 2018 and the 1st in Asia, beating Japan, the only other Asia country on the list (DRONEII, 2018). The future does look bright for us in the drones business if we take the early initiatives to move it forward. At the same time, the drones industry will helps in creating new jobs to the economy with the likes of drone pilots, programmers, maintenance workers in the foreseeable future.

We would like to share some drones success stories implemented around the world and the infographic highlighted some 40 practical uses for drones in various industries. YS

  1. Delivering medical and healthcare supplies in Rwanda, London, Lugano and Haiti;
  2. Environment monitoring by local authorities in US and Japan (tornado storm, volcano activities, open fire burning, providing tsunami warning); 
  3. Telco towers monitoring in Malaysia;
  4. Drone deliveries for food and products (Amazon in US and Domino’s in New Zealand);
  5. Fish farming in Japan; 
  6. Increasing agriculture produce in China and the Philippines;
  7. Search and rescue, crowd monitoring and traffic control by enforcement agencies in US; and
  8. Supporting the fire and rescue service in Bradford, UK.


    Thank you.

    FT Insights 3/2019:  Technology Trend For 2019.

    ..HYS, TFD, MESTECC...
    Artikel TFD, MESTECC 

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