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Technology Foresight Division (TFD), MOSTI

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Sumber artikel disediakan oleh: Bahagian Data Strategik Dan Teknologi Masa Hadapan, Kementerian Sains, Teknologi, Dan Inovasi (MOSTI).

  1. FT Sharing 13/2017: Printing Drugs: How 3D Technology is Shaping the Future of Pharmaceuticals
  2. FT Sharing 14/2017: Future Farms: Small and Smart.
  3. FT Sharing 15/2017: 'Smart' Contact Lens for Diabetics.
  4. FT Sharing 16/2017: Cultured Meat: A Clean Meat Revolution.
  5. FT Sharing 17/2017: Bump Mark: A Bio-Reactive Food Expiry Level.
  6. FT Sharing 18/2017: Artificial Pancreas.
  7. FT Sharing 20/2017: Growing Cement Bricks With Bacteria.
  8. FT Sharing 21/2017: Horizontal Housing: The Future of Sustainable Housing.
  9. FT Sharing 22/2017: The Future of Shoes Designs (and the fashion industry).
  10. FT Sharing 1/2018: Floating Wind Farm. 
  11. FT Sharing 2/2018: Trading Agricultural Commodity using Blockchain.
  12. FT Sharing 3/2018: Bitcoin and Blockchain: What's the difference?
  13. FT Sharing 4/2018: The Key To Protecting Coral Reefs May Be Plastic.
  14. FT Sharing 5/2018: The Ultimate Hard Drive. 
  15. FT Sharing 6/2018: UBeam: Ultrasound charger.
  16. FT Sharing 7/2018: Biohacking: Embedding microchips under your skin. 
  17. FT Sharing 8/2018: The Skyscraper Elevator of the Future.
  18. FT Sharing 9/2018: E-Scooter: Solving the First and Last Mile Connectivity? 
  19. FT Insights 1/2019: Technology Trend for 2019.
  20. FT Insights 3/2019: Drones: Unmanned Aircraft, Unmatched Potential.
  21. FT Insights 4/2019: Coworking Space: Best Place to Work?
  22. FT Insights 5/2019: So Many Books, So Little Time.
  23. FT Insights 6/2019: Blockchain: A survey on its potential and challenges in Malaysia.
  24. FT Insights 7/2019: The differences between Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
  25. FT Insights 1/2020: Technology trends for 2020. 
  26. FT Insights 2/2020: Understanding Big Data Analytics.
Thank you.

...HYS, TFD, MOSTI > yunshiang@mosti.gov.my

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