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Monday, 22 July 2019

Koleksi terbaru Julai 2019 - e-book / e-mag

Berikut adalah sumber bahan rujukan / bacaan untuk pengetahuan dan pendidikan umum.

Klik pada ‘LINK’ bahan rujukan untuk bacaan selanjutnya beserta tajuk-tajuk lain dalam format PDF di beberapa pautan berikut:

Koleksi Digital > E-book:

  1. A Buyers and Users Guide to Astronomical Telescopes - Binoculars (The Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy Series).
  2. Adolf Hitler Biography.
  3. Berlitz Pocket Guide Malaysia (Travel Guide eBook) (Berlitz Pocket Guides), 14th Edition.
  4. Budget Astrophotography - Imaging With Your DSLR Or Webcam
  5. Dante and the Early Astronomer Science, Adventure, and a Victorian Woman Who Opened the Heavens.
  6. Escape from earth : a secret history of space rocket.
  7. Research Methodology: A Practical and Scientific Approach.
  8. Shot Down: The powerful story of what happened to MH17 over Ukraine and the lives of those who were on board.
  9. StarTalk Everything You Ever Need to Know About Space Travel, Sci-Fi, the Human Race, the Universe, and Beyond.
  10. Study on magnetohydrodynamic turbulence and its astrophysical applications.
  11. Studies in Indian Mathematics and Astronomy: Selected Articles of Kripa Shankar Shukla.
  12. Super Earth Encyclopedia.
  13. Success Habits For Dummies.

Koleksi Digital > E-mag:

  1. Astronomy July 2019
  2. Australian Sky & Telescope - July 2019
  3. BBC Sky At Night July 2019
  4. Computer Arts July 2019
  5. Discover July 2019
  6. Free Astronomy July/August 2019
  7. New Scientist 13 July 2019
  8. Scientific American July 2019

#DemiMasa #JomBacaBersama10Minit #MalaysiaMembaca #BangsaMembacaBangsaBerjaya #DekadMembacaKebangsaan #KLWBC2020

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