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BANTING, 30 April 2019-Satu kajian penyelidikan yang diusahakan menerusi kerjasama penyelidik Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) dan Agensi Angkasa Negara (ANGKASA) akan dilancarkan ke Stesen Angkasa Antarabangsa (International Space Station, ISS) pada 1 Mei 2019 (Rabu).
BANTING, 30 April 2019-Satu kajian penyelidikan yang diusahakan menerusi kerjasama penyelidik Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) dan Agensi Angkasa Negara (ANGKASA) akan dilancarkan ke Stesen Angkasa Antarabangsa (International Space Station, ISS) pada 1 Mei 2019 (Rabu).
Penyelidikan bertajuk “Smart Optical Fibres for Passive Dosimetry in Space” (SOFPADS) telah dimulakan sejak 2 tahun yang lalu. SOFPADS akan dilancarkan menerusi penerbangan kapal angkasa kargo SpaceX Dragon CRS-17. Penerbangan tersebut dijangka berlepas menggunakan roket Falcon-9 daripada Pengkalan Tentera Udara Cape Canaveral, Florida, Amerika Syarikat pada jam 3:59 pagi Eastern Day Light Time (EDA) atau 3:59 petang waktu Malaysia.
SOFPADS adalah sejenis dosimeter pasif yang dicipta menggunakan bahan
dari gentian optik fiber. Dalam penyelidikan ini, sampel SOFPADS terdiri
daripada 2 jenis iaitu E-SOFPADS dan I-SOFPADS. E- SOFPADS akan
didedahkan kepada radiasi persekitaran angkasa di luar modul KIBO
menggunakan “Exposed Experiment Handrail Attachment Mechanism” (ExHAM)
sementara I-SOFPADS pula akan didedahkan kepada sinar radiasi di dalam
modul KIBO di ISS. Kedua-dua sampel SOFPADS berkenaan akan kembali ke
Bumi apabila selesai proses dedahan radiasi dalam keadaan graviti sifar
masing-masing selama 360 hari dan 300 hari.
Secara ringkas, alat ini akan diletakkan di ISS untuk mengukur radiasi di ruang angkasa lepas. Ia merupakan langkah awal untuk melihat tindak balas gentian optik fiber terhadap radiasi dalam persekitaran mikrograviti. Ia juga berpotensi untuk digunakan sebagai pengesan sinaran pasif untuk digunakan di angkasa lepas. Lazimnya pengesan sinaran pasif ini digunakan untuk memantau tahap radiasi yang diterima oleh angkasawan yang berada di ISS.
Orang ramai boleh mengikuti perkembangan jadual berlepas SpaceX Dragon CRS-17 menerusi https://www.nasa.gov/launchschedule/ dan menonton secara live menerusi https://www.nasa.gov/nasalive.
Link: https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2019/04/484304/upm-angkasa-launch-research-study-iss-tomorrow
Secara ringkas, alat ini akan diletakkan di ISS untuk mengukur radiasi di ruang angkasa lepas. Ia merupakan langkah awal untuk melihat tindak balas gentian optik fiber terhadap radiasi dalam persekitaran mikrograviti. Ia juga berpotensi untuk digunakan sebagai pengesan sinaran pasif untuk digunakan di angkasa lepas. Lazimnya pengesan sinaran pasif ini digunakan untuk memantau tahap radiasi yang diterima oleh angkasawan yang berada di ISS.
Orang ramai boleh mengikuti perkembangan jadual berlepas SpaceX Dragon CRS-17 menerusi https://www.nasa.gov/launchschedule/ dan menonton secara live menerusi https://www.nasa.gov/nasalive.
Link: https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2019/04/484304/upm-angkasa-launch-research-study-iss-tomorrow
A research study undertaken by researchers from Universiti Putra
Malaysia (UPM) and the National Space Agency of Malaysia (ANGKASA) will
be launched to International Space Station (ISS) tomorrow.
The research that started two years ago titled ‘Smart Optical Fibres for Passive Dosimetry in Space’ (SOFPADS) would be launched via SpaceX Dragon CRS-17 cargo spacecraft aboard the Falcon-9 rocket from the US Air Force Base in Cape Canaveral, Florida, at 3.59am (EDA) or 3.59pm Malaysia time.
SOFPADS is a passive dosimeter created using optic fibres and it consists of two samples, namely E-SOFPADS and I-SOFPADS, said ANGKASA in a statement posted on its Twitter account today.
These samples would be placed at ISS to measure the radiation in outer space as an initial step to see the reaction of optic fibres to radiation in microgravity environment. Potentially, it could be used as a radiation ray detector in outer space. Normally, it’s used to monitor the level of radiation received by the astronauts at the ISS.
E-SOFPADS would be exposed to radiation in outer space outside the KIBO (a Japanese science module for ISS) module using ‘Exposed Experiment Handrail Attachment Mechanism’ (ExHAM) while I-SOFPADS would be exposed to radiation ray inside the KIBO module at ISS.
"Both samples would return to Earth upon completion of radiation exposure in zero gravity for 360 days and 300 days respectively," the statement said.
Public can check for launch details at https://www.nasa.gov/launchschedule/ and watch the launch live via https://www.nasa.gov/nasalive.
The research that started two years ago titled ‘Smart Optical Fibres for Passive Dosimetry in Space’ (SOFPADS) would be launched via SpaceX Dragon CRS-17 cargo spacecraft aboard the Falcon-9 rocket from the US Air Force Base in Cape Canaveral, Florida, at 3.59am (EDA) or 3.59pm Malaysia time.
SOFPADS is a passive dosimeter created using optic fibres and it consists of two samples, namely E-SOFPADS and I-SOFPADS, said ANGKASA in a statement posted on its Twitter account today.
These samples would be placed at ISS to measure the radiation in outer space as an initial step to see the reaction of optic fibres to radiation in microgravity environment. Potentially, it could be used as a radiation ray detector in outer space. Normally, it’s used to monitor the level of radiation received by the astronauts at the ISS.
E-SOFPADS would be exposed to radiation in outer space outside the KIBO (a Japanese science module for ISS) module using ‘Exposed Experiment Handrail Attachment Mechanism’ (ExHAM) while I-SOFPADS would be exposed to radiation ray inside the KIBO module at ISS.
"Both samples would return to Earth upon completion of radiation exposure in zero gravity for 360 days and 300 days respectively," the statement said.
Public can check for launch details at https://www.nasa.gov/launchschedule/ and watch the launch live via https://www.nasa.gov/nasalive.
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