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Monday, 15 May 2023

Abstrak artikel: Proper use of light environments for mitigating the effects of COVID-19 and other prospective public health emergency lockdowns on sleep quality and fatigue in adolescents.


Sempena Hari Cahaya Sedunia (International Day Of Light) 16 Mei 2023, dikongsikan abstrak artikel berkaitan cahaya.

"Title: Proper use of light environments for mitigating the effects of COVID-19 and other prospective public health emergency lockdowns on sleep quality and fatigue in adolescents.
Journal: Heliyon, Cell Press > Science Direct
Author: Peijun Wen, Fuyun Tan, Meng Wu, Qijun Cai, Ruiping Xu, Xiaowen Zhang, Yongzhi Wang, Shukun Li, Menglai Lei, Huanqing Chen, Muhammad Saddique Akbar Khan, Qihong Zou, Xiaodong Hu
Link: https://www.cell.com/.../fulltext/S2405-8440(23)01834-0...
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