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Thursday, 27 April 2023

Abstrak artikel: "Climate change-accelerated ocean biodiversity loss & associated planetary health impacts".


Sempena Minggu Sains Negara 2023, April: Kesihatan Planet, dikongsikan abstrak artikel berikut:

"Title: Climate change-accelerated ocean biodiversity loss & associated planetary health impacts.

The Journal of Climate Change and Health

Volume 6, May 2022, 100114

Author: Byomkesh Talukder a, Nilanjana Ganguli b, Richard Matthew c d, Gary W. vanLoon e, Keith W. Hipel f g, James Orbinski h i

Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/.../pii/S2667278222000037 ".

#planetariumnegara #mosti #terukirdibintang #keytothespace #astronomi360 #minggusainsnegara #merakyatkansains #menginsankanteknologi #MalaysiaMadani

Wednesday, 26 April 2023

Rumusan Artikel: "Embedding Indigenous knowledges and voices in planetary health education".


Sempena Minggu Sains Negara 2023, April: Kesihatan Planet, dikongsikan rumusan artikel berikut:


Title: Embedding Indigenous knowledges and voices in planetary health education.


Elsevier: The Lancet Planetary Health

Volume 7, Issue 1, January 2023, Pages e97-e102


Author: Gabrielle Brand PhD a b, Steve Wise RBI d e f, Gitanjali Bedi MA c, Rosalie Kickett AssocDip


Pautan: https://www.sciencedirect.com/.../pii/S2542519622003084


#planetariumnegara #mosti #terukirdibintang #keytothespace #astronomi360 #minggusainsnegara #merakyatkansains #menginsankanteknologi #MalaysiaMadani

Tuesday, 25 April 2023

Abstrak artikel: "Detection of a new crescent moon using the Maximally Stable Extremal Regions (MSER) technique".


Title: Detection of a new crescent moon using the Maximally Stable Extremal Regions (MSER) technique.

Elsevier: Astronomy and Computing

Volume 41, October 2022, 100651

Athor: A.N. Zulkeflee a, W.N.J.H.W. Yussof b, R. Umar a, N. Ahmad c, F.S. Mohamad d, M. Man b, E.A. Awalludin e

Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/.../abs/pii/S2213133722000658

#planetariumnegara #mosti #terukirdibintang #keytothespace #astronomi360 #minggusainsnegara #merakyatkansains #menginsankanteknologi #MalaysiaMadani

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